If you read over this blog for a bit of time you'll notice that we like to keep things simple. Why over complicate things, why make cleaning your car more difficult?
We're going to go over the Top 3 Hacks that you need to know to keep your car clean, protected and shining non-stop.

The first thing we're going to discuss is choosing the right product. I myself am guilty for going into Auto parts stores or your local walmart to pickup some new tire shine to put on my wheels.
Before we get into the nice and shiny lets talk about an affective All-purpose Cleaner, my go-to choice for this would have to be Super Clean.
1. Super Clean - APC This product has proven to me time after time how great it really is, and not only that its very affordable!
My reason for bringing up the All purpose cleaner is to simply put it, you don't need 10 different products to clean your vehicle. The SUPER CLEAN all-purpose cleaner could be used for the interior & the exterior of the vehicle.
2. Paint Protection - look I can't even begin to tell you how many customers have complained about how their car can't stay clean and shiny.
Adding a strong bond of Sealant onto your paint will not only keep it protected from any scratching or aging defects, the car will also hold its value overtime and it'll make it 3x easier to wash from all the layers of protection.
3. HAVE FUN - maybe this one should have been number 1 on the list, because to simply put it you're reading this blog because you enjoy and love keeping you ride nice and clean.
Car cleaning shouldn't be something you do without enjoying because the results will show. If you love cleaning your car and it's no biggie go for it or maybe you're just looking to hire the professionals.
Either way Mendez Mobile Detailing is mainly focused on bringing you the most value making it super convenient by coming to your home and performing our high quality car cleaning services in Richmond Virginia.